Realization period
2010 - 2012
Project’s geography
Almatinskaya area
General description of the project
The purpose of the project was to ensure reliability of power supply of Almatinskaya area, output of first turn capacity of Balhashskoi heating power station (1320MVt), creation of technical possibility of town-satellites development in Almaty, construction of an industrial park in Almaty, creation of a tourist center in Almatinksaya area.
“Alma” SS became the first substation of 500kV tension constructed during Kazakhstan independence years. Based on earlier completed projects existing substation expansion works were implemented. Completion of construction works and successful commissioning of a new substation allowed increasing enormously reliability of customers power supply of Almaty city and Almatinksaya area.
Description of “Promstroy-Energo” scope of works
The following scope of work has been completed by “Promstroy--Energo” company during the project realization:
Construction of “Alma” SS 500/220/10kV with installation of two autotransformer groups ÎÄFSZ – 167000/500, reactor group BKD – 60000/500;
- Construction of OHTL-500kV “Alma” SS-“Almaty” SS, length of 62km
- Construction of OHTL-220kV overhangs ATEC-3 – “Shelek” SS on “Alma” SS-500kV
Construction of OHTL-220kV overhangs ATEC-3 – “Robot” SS on “Alma” SS-500kV