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Strategic power objects. "Promstroy-Energo"

 KAZENERGY/January 2012 magazine. No. 1 (51).

Since 2000 energy consumption constantly increases in Kazakhstan. At the same time there is deficiency of electricity and power system capacity especially at South part of the country.

Solution of this issue is constant technological modernization and improvement of electric power system. One of the leading companies in this issue is “Promstroy-Energo” LLP.

Improvement of electric power system

“Promstroy-Energo” LLP acitivities relate to such complicated and technologically diverse industrial projects as:

  • Construction and reconstruction of transmission lines and substations of 110,220 and 500kV
  • Repair, assembling and commissioning of power equipment
  • Construction of cable fibre optic communication lines
  • Reconstruction of relay control protection equipment and automation of transmission lines and substations
  • Completion of complicated special works

All the company activities are based on maximum effective, quality and timeous principles of client needs fulfillment, application of high technological and the most modern engineering solutions, strict compliance with environmental management and protection standards and rules.

“Promstroy-Energo” has an essential experience, equipment and mechanisms for realization of major projects on construction of high voltage power installations in hard-to-reach sites, construction of substations, assembling of cable lines etc. Since 2003 company takes part in major and strategically important electric power infrastructure projects on Kazakhstan territory. Among these projects are: “Expansion of “YUKGRES” SS-500kV”, “Construction of “Shu” SS-500kV, I and ii stages” in 2008, “Expansion of “Ekibastuzskaya” SS 1150kV” in 2009 within the “Construction of the second transmission line 500kV of “North-South Kazakhstan” transit”: project.

Construction of high voltage line of 500kV of 486km length with the substations “Ulke” and “Zhitikara” in 2007-2009 within the project “Construction of interregional transmission line of 500kV “North Kazakhstan – Aktyubinskaya area” had great importance. The completion of this project made “Promstroy-Energo” LLP as an effective functioning and responsible company the image of which is extremely important in market competence conditions.  

During its functioning “Promstroy-Energo” has reached a republican level implementing high technological construction and assembling works on the whole territory of Kazakhstan. Balanced company structure, innovative potential and professional well-structured personnel allow company to carry out all the advanced standard tasks which are unique. Namely, technical company base is a specialized completely equipped power-operated base located in Kagaranda city.