High-voltage tests and start-up works
Test and start-up works represent a complex works on commissioning of assembled equipment during construction activities with the purpose of creating reliable electric power lines and high-quality connection of electric equipment.
High-quality completion of work with the assistance of “Promstroy-Energo” company’s specialists at this stage will ensure continuous equipment functioning during the whole time of its exploitation to Client. High voltage testing and start-up works can be conducted by “Promstroy-Energo” LLP personnel as well as construction and assembling or repair works and also “turnkey” type of works.
High-voltage tests and start-up works are conducted to adjust installed equipment and check system functioning in general. At this stage any impairments occurred during electrical and assembling works and also equipment functioning problems are diagnosed before its operating which lead to timeous elimination of identified defects and help to avoid negative effects in further electrical equipment functioning. Compliance of all the electrical systems and object’s components with current project documentation and regulation are checked during start-up works. Our technical personnel conduct all the required works for electrical equipment compliance with project conditions and ensure its economical work.
All the works are carried out in accordance with current construction norms and regulation and include completion of electrical equipment diagnostic which consists of measurements and tests.
Start-up works include the following stages:
Stage 1: development of operating program which includes identification of assembling and start-up works order, its timeline, and preparation of required equipment.
Stage 2: primary start-up works which include diagnostics of assembled electrical equipment during power supply by certain test circuits for each separate device and group of devices.
Stage 3: testing of separate equipment units, adjustment of all the required equipment parameters, characteristics, installation of protection and also detailed testing of management and protection schemes.
Stage 4: complex testing of electrical equipment of production frequency tension – adjustment of equipment system correlation in different working conditions.
Our professional capabilities are not limited to electrical assembling and start-up works. We are able to perform all the works: from designing and approval of a project to delivery of electric equipment and electrical and assembling works.